Reflection 3: Football

The football season is now coming to an end and it is safe to say that this year, my football experience has been drastically different to any previous year. I would have never guessed that I would be faced with a global pandemic, let alone have one affect my footballing life. It has been strange to be part of the school team, yet go through the whole season without playing one competitive game. COVID-19 has definitely affected my football routine, however, this change has brought some positives too. This season more than any other year, I have dedicated time to improving my individual skill as a footballer. Training in small groups and not losing any training sessions to matches has allowed for this. At the beginning of the season, I identified what skills I should work on and pursued this throughout the season. For example, I focused on improving my one on one offensive skills. I feel that I am a more skilled footballer now than I was at the start of the season, which I am greatly pleased with. When looking back on the entirety of this football season, I am most proud of successfully adapting to the changes brought by COVID-19.

2021 Girls Football Team:

This year has taught me much about the importance of working as a team. I recognise that this journey would have been much more difficult if I were to go through it alone. I found comfort in knowing that we were all in the same boat and quickly realised that we were lucky to still be able to train. My teammates, as they do every year, created a supportive and enthusiastic atmosphere in which I was able to grow as a football player. They push me to my limits and force me to test myself and take risks in training, as well as provide motivation for me to keep pursuing football despite not being able to compete. I believe this to be a mutual impact between myself and my teammates.

Being part of a team imposes responsibilities on each member. When I first started playing football I quickly understood the importance of being a reliable teammate. This means that it is essential for me to take the initiative to stay on top of my own progress as a player and train to be the best I can for the sake of the success of my team. It is also my responsibility to stay committed and offer my best efforts in training. These are skills I can apply in my daily life, across numerous situations, whether that is in group projects for school or family discussions at home. For me, this is one of the most important takeaways from football and one which I am most grateful for.

As of now, my hopes are to be able to compete again in the near future and continue playing for my school team next year. However, I now know that even if by then I am still unable to play competitively, being part of the team would still bring many benefits to myself and my team. I will continue to play football for my club outside of school, as I have been throughout the school season, to maintain an active life and keep myself reminded of the importance of working as a team.

Learning outcomes which I have focused on through football:

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

LO4-Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences. 

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

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