What Does Your Accent Say About Who You Are?

When I am speaking in English, I do not have an accent, but when I start speaking in Bahasa I have an accent. When I am speaking in Bahasa, I speak in a very fast tempo and I tend to use a lot of slang when talking to my Indonesian friends. When I am talking to my friends that speak English, I would just speak in English normally in a normal accent, but when talking to my Indonesian friends here in UWC, I would speak in Bahasa mixed with English and that would affect my accent to change and would affect the way I speak in English too. I like to think that my accent proves I am proud of where I come from.

Stress, Worry and Anxiety Are All Different. How Do You Cope With Each?

This article has shown me the different things I do when I am either feeling stressed, worried, or anxious.  I often feel stressed, mostly because of school when I have deadlines, an exam, or even a presentation that I will have to do. When I feel stressed, there are a few things that I like to do and it helps because it helps me stop thinking about all the things that are making me stressed. Those things I do are usually play basketball or just hang out with friends. I also tend to worry a lot and it is mostly because I overthink. I need to stop overthinking as it is a bad habit and it makes me always think the worst of things that could happen which then causes me to worry.

Political Cartoon

The Role Of The Political Cartoonist | Wisconsin Public Radio

In this political cartoon, there are 2 sides, one being a Trump supporter and the other is not. The Trump supporter is telling the cartoonist who isn’t a trump supporter to stop making cartoons that are mocking Donald Trump.  The cartoonist draws the Trump supporter to look like the average stereotype of a Trump supporter, a pretty old white male who is wearing a sleeveless white shirt and jeans and has an unshaved beard. The cartoonist in the cartoon is saying “I’ll stop when he stops” and the “he” referring to Trump. So the cartoonist is definitely not a Trump supporter and he would like him out of the office.

What Songs Matter to You Now?

During this pandemic, I have been listening to music now more than ever. Many of the articles in the collection analyzes the lyrics from each song, which is important because the lyrics in a song is one of the main components that make a song how great it is. For example, Tyler, the Creator’s album Flower Boy is his journey of self-discovery. In the song “Where this Flower Blooms” he compares his journey to the process of a flower blooming. I have listened to the whole album several times as I find Tyler, the Creator’s songs and albums to be unique, and what makes his lyrics so powerful is the fact that he raps and sings about his own journey and being able to put it into an album. Although lyrics are very important to me, there are also some other things that I look at in a song such as the beat.

Is It Immoral to Increase the Price of Goods During a Crisis?

Personally, I don’t think that i is immoral to increase the price of goods during a crisis because the only reason that the prices increase is because of the high demand for that good has also increased. The article was about 2  brothers that stockpiled on 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer while the prices were still very low. They then started selling them online for between $8 and $70 which is way more than its original price. I don’t think that what they are doing is wrong or immoral as I see it more of a business opportunity, but doing this does give a disadvantage to most of the people in the country who is not stable financially which is why it may seem that what they are doing is immoral.

How we can help one another during the coronavirus outbreak

There are many different ways that we can help one another during this coronavirus pandemic. After reading the article, I now recognize more of the ways and have discovered how people around the world are contributing to help one another. Some of these ways are very simple and don’t require many resources. For example, in the article, the simplest way we can help one another is to just stay at home and have a plan for how you will stay connected with your friends and family, and also how we will keep ourselves busy with work while staying put at home. Some other ways we can help people is to offer assistance to neighbors or people nearby that are in need. At a time like this we can also make donations to people in need of them.