Project Week Reflection

LO4: After 7 months of work, our planning has finally come to fruition. While we had initially contacted the Juara Turtle Project as the focus of our trip, we later found out that the school had already given another group their contact. Since we were both not allowed to work with the same group, we had to redo our plan. We were able to organize diving in Tioman through a company called ecofieldtrips, with whom we were also able to organize a beach clean-up project which linked in with our diving well. Bookings beyond that were fairly easy; however, booking the ferry into Tioman island was problematic. In what I believe was an attempt to accelerate the booking process, the ferry agency repeatedly claimed the booking was canceled until I messaged them again, but at this point, the booking has been confirmed and paid for.

LO3: Transportation was my primary responsibility, but as a group, we put together various documents to communicate our progress on all fronts(Visas, medical records, local contacts, e.t.c) to our school which I have linked here as evidence of our planning.


#EE Day

Today I learned about Formalist and Structuralist film theory as well as their applications to my topic. I am proud of narrowing down my topic to explaining why psychopaths are liked by audiences despite their violent behavior, using the Joker and Hannibal Lecter as examples. My next steps are finding the psychoanalytic film theory that explains the specific traits of psychopathy which audiences find appealing. I will then analyze the cinematic devices used in “The Dark Knight” and “Silence of the Lambs” that develop these traits.