PW:planning (LO3, LO5, LO7)

We are a group of 6 students that are going to Taipei for hiking and creative experiences. I am personally responsible for the creative part of our trip and I have arranged 2 things (cooking and pottery) for us to do when we get there. We divided our group into different parts so as to ensure efficiency in all areas so we have 2 people on logistics that book flights and hotels and we have our activity coordinator. By dividing the group up into these parts, we have distinguished roles to play that we have to do and there is no question about who has to do what. We are also able to get on top of each other about deadlines since we are responsible. Furthermore, not everyone in my group is very close to one another so we have planned bonding activities which include ice skating or having dinner together to do before we gon on the trip. This builds our relationship and allows us to become more comfortable with one another before the trip itself so as to avoid some conflicts or to ensure quality experiences with friends. Up till now, we have been on top of every deadline and have been constantly double-checking our decisions with Ms Toth to ensure the best experience for us. We have also been working very closely with our supervisor as well and making sure to run our decisions through her and using her advice on Taipei as she knows the place. We have our parents actively involved in our decision making and they help by providing advice on how to book flights or hotels due to their experience.


Additionally, we are able to work alongside our PW coordinator as well as our PW supervisor to create the best possible trip. In order to ensure this, we had to create extremely detailed plans for our days in Taiwan as shown in the picture above.

Moreover, we CCed our supervisor in any emails to and from our guide in Taiwan while planning which hikes we wanted to do and deciding the details such as meals and transport for the day. We thought of choosing a supervisor which would have knowledge of where we were going, therefore, she could advise us on the do’s and don’t’s. We wanted to ensure that we do not culturally offend anyone with our behaviour as we are aware that different countries have different rules of respect. We have made sure that our plan is approved by every party related to the trip including our parents, our supervisor, the PW coordinator, our guide and each other. This meant that we had to abide by the project week rules which was a checklist (shown in the picture on the right).

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