Image result for representation

A major topic covered in class was the idea of representation. Such as, in the picture attached, representation has been viewed in terms of body types, race and sometimes gender. An example we took was one of how Image result for superhero emojiin marvel movies were almost always masculine. This could portray a false image of society by conveying to readers that the male gender is often the most dominating and the sole gender that can “save the world” from harm and danger. This represents a community that depends on its male population heavily and even though these ideas are just in a movie, it can be rather influential to both the adult and youth audience. These thoughts about superiority of one gender over another may not develop rapidly but may build up gradually in the back of a person’s mind forcing them too, to soon, put this into practice subconsciously. Due to which, movie makers, book writers and emoticon designers have begun to include the female gender in these “not-so-stereotypical” roles Image result for superhero emoji to try and change the attitudes of some people influenced in the past. 

Another example discussed in class was the representation of princesses in Disney movies.  Image result for princess

Often shown with a ridiculously small waist, shiny, long, hair, fair skin, a big bust and a sweet voice they represent society’s beauty standard to be of a certain type and a pedestal against which attractiveness is measured. To have darker skin, a large waist and curly, frizzy hair was considered unattractive. This gave wrong ideas of what was “needed” for a girl to be pretty and desirable to several generations of young girls, boys and those older as well. They would often feel compelled to look like that and insecurities would accumulate based on skin colour and body structure.  

Furthermore, these princesses were shown to be weak and in need of a man to save them as in the fairytale – sleeping beauty – which shows that a prince’s kiss is needed to revive a startlingly blonde beauty who accidentally poisoned herself into a coma. 

Such representations of society have, however, been abolished by recent Disney movie makers as they came out with movies like Moana and Brave which empowered the female population ensuring that attractiveness wasn’t based on a specific outline of characteristics and that men weren’t needed for success or for a woman’s “protection” showing that the female population is just as capable as the male. 

Image result for moana– Disney’s Moana

Crazy Rich Asians is another example we had analyzed which seemed to focus more on the lavish, richer side of Singapore which may not always seem that way, having its own underground networks which may not be as extravagant as portrayed. It also represented love in a way that may not always be true. For example, the rich may not always choose their love over family due to the beneficial aspects materialistic objects bring to some. Furthermore, it also identifies richer families to be more demanding than middle-class ones, needing a perfect daughter-in-law from the right background with the perfect qualities. Furthermore, the mother of the main male character is conveyed to readers as someone who is very controlling and manipulating who wants the “best” for her son which may not always be the best for him. The family itself is shown to be rather brittle and not very close-knit, accepting or comforting with high expectations and opulent amenities.