Tech Tinkers #1, #LO6

Tech Tinkers is a service at UWCSEA East focused on repairing, recycling and donating old technology to families in need . The service has been operating for many years and has an established team with a large compilation of resources that make the Tech Tinkers process efficient.

I joined Tech Tinkers in Grade 9 after auditing a session upon the recommendation of my friends. I enjoyed the ability to work with computer hardware as it was something I hadn’t had the opportunity to work with hardware previously.

For my CAS Service requirement, I will be continuing Tech Tinkers, this year applying for a leadership position as I will be leaving the college after G12 and so we will need to train the next generation of the Tech Tinkers team to be familiar with the equipment and comfortable with the methods. As this happens my role will shift from repairs to mentoring which I’m excited to experience.

Technology has become a massive part of our daily lives in the last decade and with it our technological waste has grown fast. Many people have drawers of old devices, music players and headphones which have been replaced by new and updated technology. However, this accumulation of technology is ineffective as it grows old, eventually breaks without being used much. Instead, many countries are now focusing on technology reuse and recycling, which we are striving to do on a much smaller scale here at Tech Tinkers. We think that old technology shouldn’t be disposed of simply due to age, and that if there is someone that can benefit from access to technology, they should have the opportunity to use it.