I recently joined a new activity called Yoga and Meditation, where we (as the title says) do some basic yoga and meditation. This activity is a really good opportunity to be active, but also to practice mindfulness and calm yourself down in the middle of a busy school week. It’s also a good opportunity to stretch and move muscles that aren’t used for most of the day, especially when sitting down for so long at school during the day.

So far, I have really enjoyed the activity, as it has been a great way for me to relieve a bit of stress, even if it is only for a few hours! I have done yoga and meditation regularly in the past, but I have fallen out of the habit in the last few years, and so it has been really nice to start doing it again, as I” had forgotten about the benefits it brings me. I think this is especially the case for the meditation that we do at the start and end of sessions, as I haven’t done it regularly in a long time, but it does help me to feel much more relaxed and calm.

Although I am enjoying the activity and feeling its benefits even now, I would like to set some goals to get the most out of the activity I can. I think the main thing I would like to do is to practice yoga and meditation at least once a week, even if it’s just for a short period. This way, I will get more used to being mindful while stretching, and also to get less distracted while meditating, and this should also help to relieve stress as well. I think I should also aim to be “in the zone” while in the activity, as I think the sessions where I have been able to be mindful and present have been more beneficial to me.

I’m really enjoying the activity, and I’m excited to continue!