I have now been doing 3H for around 4 or 5 months, and I am continuing to enjoy it immensely! We are continuing to learn many different exercises to work different muscles and muscle groups, as well as learning how to properly use gym equipment, and that continues to be really useful to me, as I am able to incorporate some of those exercises into my own routine.
Additionally, we have recently begun to try planning and carrying out our own workouts, with the advice and supervision of our teacher facilitators. While I have done this before in physical education classes in the past, I found these sessions especially useful this time, and I think it was simply because I had more knowledge about what exercises I could do, especially exercises that I could do at home in my own time, and this allowed me to start creating workout plans that actually fit my needs. Additionally, it was good to get guidance from our teacher facilitators, as they could advise us on how to structure our workout to get the most out of it.
Looking forward, I would like to continue with doing our own workouts and trying them out, as well as continue learning about exercises I can do in my own time with bodyweight. However, I would also like to start thinking about how to better integrate exercise routines into my weekly schedules, especially in the times when I am busy! I think this will be quite important, as consistency in working out and exercising was one of my goals for participating in this activity. Other than that, I’m looking forward to what is coming next!