My Own Definitions

Success: Emotionally fulfilled. You walk into a room and all eyes are on you. Everyone either loves you or wants to be you. You call the shots because you’re accomplished, and you have worked years and years and years to get where you are. Your career is what you love and have worked towards, and it ends up as worth it (years at graduate school opened a lot of doors). Finance isn’t majorly important, but creative freedom is. You’ve got awards to your name. And you’re incredibly humble and probably donate to Arts-based political parties. You’ve fixed up your own Mustang and have driven cross-country several times. You’re in a stable relationship with someone who loves you for who you are. Your life is defined by honesty, creativity and family get-togethers. Your house is your own. You’re independent and there are people who look up to you. You always make time for vocalizing your opinions on important issues and ensuring that the female writers on your team get an equal say in every script matter so that they can build their careers just like you have. You’re happy. This is happiness.

My personality type is, as predicted, Artistic. Of course, I know I’d be a good lawyer and an absolutely legendary English teacher, but if I could spend the next eighty plus years of my life writing, I would be happy and emotionally fulfilled for the rest of my days. Someone I look up to – i.e: someone I want to be like when I’m a career mogul – is the lovely Ms. Eleanor Bergstein, prolific screenwriter and role model for young female writers in the business. Her success story inspired me and I look to live by the words “I will be indefatigable.”