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Season 2 U19 Tennis: Reflection (final post) – Grade 11 (LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively)

Season 2 U19 Tennis: Reflection (final post) – Grade 11 (LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively)

This years tennis season went by really fast. Season 2 just finished a few weeks ago and I feel like this tennis season didn’t feel like a “real season”. Due to covid we weren’t able to play so many matches against other schools and training was limited as-well. We were able to play 2 friendly matches, one match against SAS and one against dover.  Unfortunately we lost to SAS 3-2 in matches and we also lost to dover 5-4 in matches. Although we weren’t able to get the win for both matches it was good to be back out playing matches as I hadn’t played any matches with the school team for over 2 years.

Although we weren’t able to play many matches due to covid I still feel like I was able to develop some skills during this short season. This was my first year playing on the varsity squad as an IB student and I felt more of a responsibility being one of the older players on the team. I wanted to be set a good example for the rest of the boys on the team and portray myself as a good role model to the rest of the team. As captain I felt that I had more of a important role in the team than I did in my previous years, this made me more enthusiastic to motivate my teammates for our training sessions and matches. I felt that I had a responsibility to keep my teammates driven and focused for our matches.

Unfortunately our season was cut short due to covid this year but this has motivated me to be more excited for next years tennis season which will be my last season on the varsity tennis team. I plan to use my skills developed in this years season and I hope I can motivate my teammates to work hard and compete well in my final season. In my last year on the varsity squad I want to be able to compete well and hopefully have a winning record in both singles and doubles for the tennis season. I also want to be well prepared for SEASAC as SEASAC will be my last overseas tournament in highschool. Hopefully I can have a enjoyable SEASAC in my last year of high school and hopefully I can lead my team to go as far as possible in the SEASAC tournament.

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter – my thoughts after reading the first hundred pages of the book

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter – my thoughts after reading the first hundred pages of the book

So far Ive been intrigued with Marios side of the story, I enjoy reading through his narrative perspective and I feel like the book gets more interesting the more you read it because his relationship with aunt Julia gets moire and more serious as you keep reading the book. But ive been confused reading the short stories in the book, every chapter is different and sometimes I get confused when trying to follow the storyline of the book.

The tension between Aunt Julia and and Mario has been built throughout the book. I feel like the more time they spend with each other the more tension is built and the more Mario falls in love with her. Im also curious to see with what Mario does with his writing carear and whether he us going to graduate law school. It is clear that he is passionate abut his writing and that he is not passionate abut studying at law school. I wonder if Mario will continue to study in law or quit law school and pursue his writing.

Portfolio reflection about Ta-Nehisi Coates short story and how my parents have impacted me personally

Portfolio reflection about Ta-Nehisi Coates short story and how my parents have impacted me personally

Tell the story of one time —in a class, on a playground, at a dinner table—somewhere— when you did what Coates says we generally don’t do: you stood alone against everyone else because your empathy outweighed your social need to belong.

One memory that stands out to me was when I was at tennis camp In the US and I proudly corrected my peers when asked about where I was from. I remember sitting in a circle with a couple of other kids at the camp and we were all introducing ourselves and talking about where we were from. When it was my turn I said that I was half American and half Japanese but I live in Singapore and everyone in that small circle was confused where Singapore was. They said things like “what Is that In china or something” or “do you guys speak Chinese” and then some kids were even confused where Japan was and what language they speak there. I was frustrated and confused when I heard their responses but I realized that some of these kids genuinely dont know and although they may sound disrespectful their intention is not to be disrespectful. So I corrected them and told them that Singapore is it’s own country and that It is a country in between Malaysia and Indonesia and that most people still do speak english  in Singapore. Looking back on this now obviously the severity of this situation is nowhere near the same as the experiences Tana Hesei Coates has dealt with or rather black people in the US have faced but this memory of mine related to some of the stories that we have discussed about in class. I have had other situations where my empathy outweighed my social need to belong but I thought of this one first after reading this question.

How has my mother or father transformed themselves over the span of their life? And what was a admirable moment that I was able to witness or learn from.

First of all my mother started working as a tour guide for Japanese people before she had me. She then had to transform into being a housewife and a part time tour guide for Japanese people In Singapore. One thing that I admire about my mother is the way she treats people with so much respect no matter who they are. In Japanese culture it is very important to act polite and show respect towards everyone and this has been something that i have grown up with in my household and my mother has always taught us very strong mannerisms and signs of kindness and respect towards others.

Code switching

Code switching

Do you speak Singlish?

No, typically not. But very occasionally I do, I have a few local friends that I sometimes speak singlish with but they sometimes find it funny because Im a white boy trying to speak their dialect or thier ‘slang’. I also sometimes speak singlish when I’m at the hawker center and I’m speaking to locals. Although I may sound quite accurate to how a Singporean person ay talk I just feel out of place sometimes. I think its because I’m not a local like them, I haven’t grown up in this environment my entire life and I don’t surround myself with Singaporean people so it just doest feel right to me and more importantly for them it feels weird or unnatural to hear me speak their dialect.

When you do your language B, do you try to imitate the accent and gestures, too, or do you feel self-conscious about that? Should you?

Not the gestures but the accents yes. I try and speak with the accent because I think it helps my learning. When learning a new language I want to be able to pronounce words as accurately as possible so I do try and use the accent especially when talking to my teacher. Do I feel self conscious? …. Well In class I don’t because everyone in my class is a beginner and spanish and we are all learning the language so I don’t feel left out and I don’t feel judged. But I feel like if I was put in a environment with all native speaking spanish people I may feel out of place trying to use the right accent or gestures. Should I feel out of place? I don’t think so but I do understand it, its not my native speaking language and Im far from fluent from it so If I were to try and speak with a accent it may come off ass being impolite or maybe even racist.



Season 2 U19A tennis – initial post (before season starts)

Season 2 U19A tennis – initial post (before season starts)

The tennis season at school starts next week. Trials for the U19 team are on Monday and Friday. My goal this year is to play singles in the starting lineup for the SESAC squad this year, the top 3 players on the team play singles and the 4th and 5th ranked players play first doubles and the 6th and 7th ranked players play second doubles and the rest are alternates. Last time I played for the SEASAC team I was in first doubles and I was in grade 8. As an 11th-grade student now my goal is to play singles and to play in one of the top 3 spots on my team. I’ve been training hard this year so I can do well in trials and get that singles spot that I’m aiming for. It’s been challenging to train and prepare for this tennis season as a grade 11 IB student. With the increased workload in school and the additional training hours, I’ve had to organize my time efficiently and sacrifice some of my free time. However, I’m dedicated to both my tennis and my school and I believe that these challenges will ultimately help me gain the singles spot that I’m aiming for. Additionally, I’ve missed 2 years of school tennis due to covid and I am very motivated to compete again this year and represent my school in the sport that I love. Hopefully, restrictions start to ease up more, and hopefully, we can play some competitive matches again this season.

My impression on Carole Ann Duffy

My impression on Carole Ann Duffy

Caroline Duffy is a riveting and griping author. It looks like she writes her poems from personal experience and past memories. She definitely has a very vivid imagination and seems to write poems out of the ‘ordinary’. She wants to surprise people with her poems, she wants to engage her audience with her stories and make them think deep. With her creative choice of words, Carole Ann Duffy writes these engaging stories with the use of rhymes and repetition. With her poem ‘little red cap’ she writes a poem with a twist to the original story of little red ridinghood.  I think that many people were taken back by this poem but also drawn to it at the same time because it is different to most poems. Most poems wont talk about the things that Carole Ann Duffy does in this poem. And she writes it in such a way that something like ‘rape’ doesn’t even seem bad in this story when in reality its a terrible thing.

How has service been going so far?- Service post 11/11/2021 (LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process & LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively)

How has service been going so far?- Service post 11/11/2021 (LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process & LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively)

We are a couple weeks into service now. We’ve had around 4-6 sessions have been working on our planning mainly. During our last few sessions we’ve discussed ideas on what we can do this year and how we can help out with migrant workers. We discussed options and ways to interact with them, ideas for a possible donation drive and also ideas for possible zoom calls with them. We reached out to the head of ‘its raining raincoats’ and we’ve arranged a meeting with her to ask her questions about her service and why she decided to start her service. Our service is wanting to work with her service and arrange a possible donation drive for the migrant workers. Last session we worked on questions to ask her and we also worked on setting up a new website for our service. We hope to use this website to raise awareness about our service and to reach out to more people and inform them about the struggles migrant workers are facing here in Singapore.

After submitting my form for ‘vice chair’ I was informed that I got the role. This is great news for me as I will be able to learn a lot of new skills through this role and hopefully I will be able to do good things in our service and make a impact within our community. I want to further develop my leadership skills and do my best to support my service with this new role.



Should art be used to tell stories? And is it okay for you to tell a story about someone else’s life of you never lived that life?

Should art be used to tell stories? And is it okay for you to tell a story about someone else’s life of you never lived that life?

I think so. If you have a platform and a story to tell I think it’s important to use your platform to tell your story and bring more awareness to your stories or issues. There are many different forms of art and there are many different ways to represent certain things and I think art is a good way to reach a lot of people. I think if you have a talent or a passion you should use that talent and do something about it.

Is it ok to tell someone else story? This is a hard question to answer but I think so. As long as you do your research and learn about it I do think it is okay to tell someones else’s story or experiences. If you get there approval and if you do your research properly I think it’s important to go ahead and tell their story to raise more awareness.

In class today we talked about the movie and the book “The Help”.  Mr. Huntington asked us whether we think it was okay that a white person wrote this book and a white person directed this movie when they never experienced what it was like to be a black helper back in the day. Yes this may be true but they can still try and imagine what it was like and tell their story about it. As long as the author did their research and interviewed black helpers back in the day I think its ok. The authors story may not completely accurate as she never experienced what it was like but she can still do her best to imagine what it was like and to tell the story about how black helpers were mistreated. As long as she has the approval and consent from the people she’s writing the story about I think its ok. And this goes for any other situation as-well, as long as you do your research and educate yourself about it I don’t see why its ‘wrong’ to tell their story.

Sonny Liew reflection portfolio post

Sonny Liew reflection portfolio post

What values would you say are challenged, reflected, or promoted in this profile?

After reading his book the Art of Charlie chan hock chye and then reading his profile on a article ive noticed that Mr. Liew is not so money driven and that his drive comes from his passion. Mr. Liew seems to be very passionate about wring books and also confident in his work. Despite the fact that his book did not make so much money he is still motivated to continue writing books and continue his success as an author. His motivation for writing books and his passion for books are very admirable and inspiring.

After living overseas for a few years and starting up his carear in rhode island Mr. Liew seems to present himself as a proud Singaporean despite his international background.

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