My UWCSEA Learning Journey

Shawn Cheah



Stress, Worry and Anxiety

Tell us about a time you experienced worry, stress or anxiety. Describe how it affected you and how you tried to cope with it? A time I experience both worry and stress was the build up to the IGCSE exams… Continue Reading →

Political Cartoon Practice

In the cartoon, there are 2 people. Hitler and Trump, the artist has portray that Trump is having a job interview with Hitler. The artist is trying to convey that Trump has the same ideals with Hitler and is much… Continue Reading →

Word Nerd

Email Poetry

 I hope you’re all keeping well during this really strange time. This is truly a time we have not seen before Stay safe Stay clean Stay at home    

What songs matter to you now?

While “25 Songs That Matter Now” was published before the coronavirus pandemic reached many communities in the United States, we imagine you might be thinking about how this current moment has changed how you interact with music. What do you… Continue Reading →

How has the coronavirus outbreak affected you and your friends, family and community?

The coronavirus has affected the global community as a whole, nation’s economies and stock markets had only been plummeting downwards, job lost and companies trying to stay afloat amid the global pandemic or just a few ways the coronavirus outbreak… Continue Reading →

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