Global Perspectives

Human Rights Violations

Human rights are essential in this modern world for the just treatment of people around the world, but in some places, the rights are not being as respected as they should. One example is the right to live free. My perspective on this violation is that the right to live free is one of, if not the most important right to people, and violating the right can put people in a position that can hurt their wellbeing. The reason some people may have this right violated is because other, more powerful people, may abuse their power to get what they want in the easiest way possible. Whether that be to silence the opposition, or to eliminate any people with opposing views, the violators may feel that the end justifies the means, and what they gain in good is worth what other people lose. This issue is concerning because it can result in a world where people live in perpetual fear, if the violations continue. Something that has influenced my perspective on this is the extent to which this right is violated. Around the world, the people who have their right to life, liberty and security of person violated is in the millions.

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1 comment

  1. Great piece! I do agree with the fact that the right to freedom is one of the most important rights, and can see where you are coming from, with you having included the influences on your perspective. Something else that was good was how you included your research/sources, which gives the possibility of further food for thought and shows further influence on your perspective. Something you could improve on, however, is elaborating more on personal experiences (i.e. Upbringing) that may have influenced your perspective.

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