CAS Reflection 9.1 (LO6)(LO7)

Something that I have learned from the issue of coronavirus is the importance of CAS related activities. Prior to the entire situation, I had just been taking everything for granted, such as being able to play sports, do arts, and have service meetings. Once the circuit breaker was put into effect and it became much more difficult to do those activities, I realised that they were much more important than I had previously thought, not just for being able to communicate with friends, make an impact in society, but also just to be able to relax and take myself away from schoolwork. Not being able to have service meetings in person also lead me to some ethical considerations, mainly the idea that we might be prioritising our safety too much at the expense of our service goals. For example, while we can still have service meetings to discuss our ideas, we might be limiting our potential impact simply because we might focus on our own wellbeing too much (such as being unwilling to work as well during service because of worries about spending too much time in front of our computers). While it isn’t wrong to prioritise one’s own safety or wellbeing, this just made me think about how we might just view service as something extra to do with free time, and not as something we actually care about.


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