
Final IO Planning

Idea 1: Saint Hoax Advertisements and Carol Ann Duffy Poems

To look at the issue of gender inequality/stereotypical expectations, I would look at the poem Mrs. Sisyphus along with the ad with the headline “For a man to be successful, he needs support from home. Not someone who is always griping and bitching. They both put men and women into set positions, where men are the ones working and women are the ones who stay at home. The lives of men revolve around their work while the lives of women revolve around the men.


Idea 2: Saint Hoax Advertisements and Bob Dylan Songs

Since the Saint Hoax Ads are using a modern quote with a reasonable old advertisement (such as the one with the headline “That’s okay, I know you’re not thinking. You never do”, they would fit well as an opposing perspective to the song ‘The Times They Are-a-Changin” by Bob Dylan. Both are about the global issue of inequality, while the song focuses on the inequality improving, and the ad focuses on it staying constant over time in society.


Idea 3: Bob Dylan Songs and Patik Philippe Advertisements

The ‘Generations’ ad campaign for Patik Philippe and ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ by Bob Dylan both address the idea of wealth inequality, even though they look at the issue in different ways. The ads focus more on the promotion of keeping wealth in the family, while the song focuses more on the downfall of such methods, and promotes equality.


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