Daraja GC

About Daraja GC

Daraja is a school in Kenya that educates girls. Daraja aims to empower women through education. We at UWC are a team of high school students who support Daraja through various events and more.

Our Service Partner

The Daraja Academy is a high school near Nanuyki, Kenya. It provides secondary education for girls who are denied opportunities due to socio-economic reasons and gender biases that are deeply rooted in society. Daraja has championed equal education access for girls to alleviate communities from poverty.

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Culturama Bake Sale
Culturama Bake Sale

Culturama is an annual showcase which allows for lots of different cultures to represent themselves through dance. Here this gave us the opportunity to take part in a bake sale amongst other services and Global Concerns. We brought in homemade cake pops and banana...

Our Projects

Our projects include the Annual Run for Rights.

The goal of the Run For Rights event is to raise money and awareness for the girls. It is a drop-in run, in which people may enter at leisure with friends and family, walking, running, or biking the track. The run is to show community and advocacy and get people to know what it feels like to have to fight (run) for their rights.

The Daraja trip is a unique experience and everyone’s invited!

Daraja Academy is a boarding secondary school that predominantly self-functions. It is for Kenyan girls with top academic scores and exceptional leadership skills but no means to continue their education.

Meet the students and help out in daily life of the school. 

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