Dance Showcase 2020 : A night at the movies

In this year’s dance showcase I had the opportunity to learn a new style of dancing, contemporary. It was a challenge that really pushed me to try my hardest to keep up with more complex choreography. It used a lot more flexibility and physical skill than any of the other dances I’ve done before. I saw a significant improvement when I watched the videos from the beginning of the activity and the end product. I definitely wasn’t the best dancer there but I learned a lot more about the hard work people put into their art. It was fun working with such motivated and talented dancers who taught us so much about dance. I also learned a lot about dancers in general and the way they hold and express themselves with more confidence than I ever realized. The way some of the dancers around me expressed themselves through dance was very inspiring. I hope to continue learning different dance styles and hopefully become freer and start to express myself through my dance.

Other than contemporary, I also continued to learn the Cuban salsa in the salsa activity, which I had joined in Grade 9.  The salsa choreography was more repetitive which made it easier to learn. It was really upbeat and fun to do especially because of the amazing group of people who participated in the activity. This was the second dance showcase that I participated in and I am looking forward to the one next year. Hopefully, by then the coronavirus epidemic will subside so that more tickets can be sold and I can share my improvements with my close friends, family and everyone else that watches.

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