Black Lives Matter Art

Today I’m going to be addressing the black lives matter art which is so prevalent during these extraordinary times. Protesting all around the United States as well as many other countries show unity as well as anger that people have towards this issue. Racism and police brutality has been long ignored in the United States no matter how prevalent it has been. Today I’m going to focus specifically on the photography aspect of art.

 The main thing about photography that I find very powerful is it shows real people in real situations.  The images from the protest also show unity and bring hope to people because of how diverse the demographic of the protesters are. It shows that this issue isn’t a black vs. white issue, it is a human rights issue. One focus of the photography which I also appreciate is showing the safety measures people are taking, for example wearing masks during these COVID-19 times. Many people like to say that it’s irresponsible to protest during a pandemic,  however, we can see that people are taking measures to protect themselves as well as others. Another powerful thing that’s to talk if he’s able to highlight is the creativity of sign making. The picture below which reads “America not AmeriKKKa”  is incredibly powerful. Even having a basic understanding of the KKK you know that it is a white supremacist organization that primarily terrorizes African Americans. it brings up the thought-provoking idea that the Ku Klux Klan still has a large say in how the country is operated. It forces you to look into the history of the KKK in the US,  and if you do your research you uncover The horrible crimes that they committed.

As an art student, I also found the political cartoons interesting to analyze as they were able to rope in history and humor into this issue the image below shows the hypocrisy of police brutality increase for a protest I think that online photography with shows real situations cartoons have the ability to show a layer of truth which is not obvious in the real world.  I feel like all the cartoons below of Martin Luther King fast people to remember important figures in this movement and think about how disappointed they would be that this issue has still not been addressed. The dialogue in that cartoon that reads “ I have a nightmare” plays on the famous “I have a dream speech” which he gave. The background in this image also shows a large protest it’s well as Donald Trump, I think this signifies the  US vs them confrontation which is currently happening.  people are being called out for the indifference as well as their past races acts which are now coming back to haunt them. In this situation it is clear that there is no indifference, there is only ignorance. I think everyone is being forced to come to a conclusion on where they stand in this issue which I feel is key to creating real change.


CREST reflection

The past few weeks working on the crest project has been a very useful and productive time for me.  I have had the opportunity to research a topic that I find interesting. I chose to do my project on tattoos and how they impact the immune system. I chose this topic because I wanted to do something related to biology and Medicine and I also thought that tattoos are something very artistic with a lot of history that could be interesting to explore.  My initial research actually wanted me away from my hypothesis which was that tattoos were just dangerous,  and instead I saw a different side in which researchers are trying to explore the potential benefits that tattooing can have.  I think this change in my plans shows growth during the research process research which occurred early in my project, it helped me keep an open mind to new ideas that are coming in the ever-changing field of science.  I really enjoyed researching this topic and I think that  I have a solid understanding  Ocala tattoos impact pinion system.  I think there is a potential that I could expand on this topic for my extended essay next year, but, if I don’t, it was a beneficial task. This research project is taught me a lot about finding good sources and using scholarly articles. I found that a lot of news websites which are trusted often explain things with less detail in more of an overview form because they are just trying to spread Awareness on them issues,  scholarly articles, on the other hand, go into greater depth and explain the topic at hand in Greater detail. 
My CREST project was inspired by my interest in Biology and medicine, which I find a very interesting topic as it is directly related to humans and there’s so much potential for it to change our lives. Some of the things which I was researching which are still hypothetical seem as though they are straight out of the fictional novel,  the idea of tattoos that could measure your blood sugar be mounted UV rays touching your skin or tattoos that could charge your pacemakers is pretty unbelievable.

Life during Circuit Breaker

“We human beings are social beings. We come into the world as the result of others’ actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others’ activities.” – Dalai Lama

Humans are social creates and I feel this has made it especially challenging for us to cope with social distance. Seeing the same faces 24/7 and being unable to travel, explore, and meet our friends has impacted many people’s social and mental wellbeings negatively. I believe I am a happy person, I enjoy meeting new people and learning new things. Luckily many of my friends and I have access to a steady wifi network which makes connecting through social platforms easy. With a click of a button I can call my friends, laugh, joke, and smile with them. To improve my social wellbeing I talk to my friends often with the use of apps like Whatsapp, Instagram, TikTok, and primarily Snapchat. Recently I experienced my first Netflix party, this extension allows us to watch movies and shows with others. After trying this once my friends and I have decided to do this at least once a week. From sitting with each other every day at lunch to once a week calls we have adapted. I think this epidemic has allowed us to find new creative ways to connect with each other.

Talking to friends and social wellbeing is incredibly important to me, however constantly looking at screens, texting, video chatting, and snapping don’t always have the best impact on my wellbeing. In addition to that the 8 hours of remote learning (not including homework and other tutoring classes) has significantly increased my screentime. Though using our screens during this time is necessary it is also important to take breaks. For my mental wellbeing, I try to play games like sudoku and chess. I feel that these calm my mind but also have additional benefits, it’s challenging but it improves my problem-solving. Another aspect of my wellbeing that I am aware of is my physical wellbeing. To take care of my physical wellbeing I follow workout plans which give me exercise videos to follow every day. I also occasionally go cycling with my dad. During this circuit breaker I completed my first (and second) 70km ride. I feel like I have and will continue to make this circuit breaker a positive experience for me rather than just seeing it as an inconvenience. I think it is important to have a positive mindset and make the best of every situation you are in.

Trying to write Dystopian fiction


I guess the FLAG is what historians would call a government, of sorts, yet incredibly different. The FLAG was like a god, she heard everything, saw everything, and controlled everything.  It was wonderful. It wasn’t a person, more a sentient all-knowing god.

It was May 15th, 8:00 pm, I remember because I saw my first vehicle accident. People were bleeding, the hoverer was on fire and there was debris everywhere. Everyone just stood there confused, I wasn’t scared or worried, but a few minutes went by without any sirens that’s when it clicked. We all just stared, perhaps there was a malfunction if that was even possible. It started going dark, the screens, the sky then every street light. The panic started setting in.

Shock Advertising

Shock advertising is a technique which tries to capture the viewer’s attention, using memorable and often slightly dark or inappropriate images. It can be really effective to send a message, however, it may not always be the message the company intended to send. These three ads have many things in common. For example, they have darker colour schemes which match the types of images on them. The first ad is a fashion ad by SISLEY which says fashion junkie, viewers immediately think of these girls looking intoxicate because they are snorting clothes. I think it tries to connect their brand to people who are high end, elite and edgy. I think it sends the wrong message that their clothes are like drugs insinuating that frugs are cool. The second shock ad is a campaign for driving within the speed limit. I think though the image is shocking it is not that inappropriate because it is showing something people know to be true. The brutal honesty of the campaign will connect to viewers because seeing an innocent-looking child next to a skull sends a message. It urges people to stay within the speed limit and plays with their emotion saying that in the scenario where they listen this kid may have a chance to survive. The last advertisement is from a noise-cancelling headphone brand ( Sennheiser), from the image we can infer that due to the noise-cancelling headphones he was not able to hear his surrounding and thus was the victim of an accident. This glorifies the noise-cancelling ability of the headphones. I think unlike the first one it is not as inappropriate and may even have some humour laced in. I think it could be considered funny because it is slightly dramatised and unrealistic.