Liza Donnelly: Drawing Upon Humour For Change.

Liza Donnelly: Drawing Upon Humour For Change.

Subject matter: Gender Roles and Femininity

Style: Simplistic Cartoons

Opinion Perspective: 

  • From a young age, women are told how they should act
  • Women often push the stereotypes onto each other rather than helping each other, however, using humour to show the shared experiences that women have can create change. 
  • “Humor relies on the tradition of a society”
  • Context is everything → each culture has their own “rules” (traditions)
  • Cartoons can help us make sense of the world
  • Humour can make us question the ridiculous standard which is set in society (many of them hypocritical). For example, the cartoon which showed a girl saying should I be a “good girl” or “slut” shows labels which are placed on women and when said by the character, which was a small girl audience can see how harmful labels like those are. 

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