What are we really learning at school?

At school, we should be learning life skills that will help us in the future.

At UWC we learn many qualities and skills but I think that sometimes people concentrate on grades more than they should. Yes grades matter, but in the long term if you are not able to communicate and collaborate you won’t be getting too far. These skills are essential to learning at school because after leaving grade 12 you will be facing many different issues of the world that will require you to be resilient.

In UWC we have many opportunities to enhance our personal and social skills. Outdoor education is one example. When going camp you learn to work with many new people and you deal with situations which you normally don’t. In PSE we learn about these qualities as well. Other than that each subject pushes us to try new things and talk t people we might not usually talk to.

Goals For Grade 9

Every year I set goals, but I am not someone who follows goals very closely. Of course, I try to do my best in academics and as a person, but I prefer to take things as they come and follow the flow. This year I hope to Try new things and try to make new friends. Along with my goals of trying to be the best me. The two goals that I have chosen are things that I want to do and they aren’t something that I am going to forget because I think it aligns with my main goal in life.

Top 10 tips to a Well-Balanced life

These 10 tips can help you balance your life more.

  1. Exercise –  Staying healthy is essential to have a more productive and happy lifestyle.
  2. Work hard Working hard is important so that you can reach your goals.
  3. Treat yourself and relax Stress is very harmful. Take some time to relax and clear your mind, this is really good for your mental health.
  4. Have Fun – Have fun, enjoy life, be happy.
  5. Pursue your hobbies – Spend time doing your hobbies. Hobbies are activities that let you enjoy and be productive.
  6. Learn about the world around you- The world around us is amazing and there is so much that we can learn about.
  7. Eat healthily – Eating healthily helps you to take care of your body which will reward you in the long run
  8. Gratefulness – Being grateful for your experiences helps you to have a more positive outlook on life.
  9. Try new things – There are so many things to do and until you do them you don’t know how much fun it could be
  10. Help others – Helping others gives you a sense of fulfilment and helps you understand others better