Ultimate frisbee CAS – 1

Today I experienced my first lesson of ultimate frisbee in Grade 11, but the basics aren’t new to me. I Played the sport for fun in Grade 10, so I knew the general gist of it. I really experienced collaborative skills today since I don’t usually play in sports and I’m extremely lazy, so It was definitely a challenge for me. The main goals I’ve hit with this lesson was Challenge & Skills, and Collaborative skills, as 1. Im tired as all hell, and 2. collaboration is extremely important in the sport.

CAS1- A: painful legs.

The first part of CAS I got to experience was A- Activity. I decided it was a spectacular idea to sign up for body pump, at 6:30-7:30am every Monday. It hits with LO1&2, which are AWARENESS and CHALLENGE. For awareness(LO1), I have had experiences with this sort of activity in PE and I have done body pump before, and enjoyed it. Feeling the ache for a few days afterwards was not particularly enjoyable but it made me feel accomplished. It was certainly a struggle but I had fun. For challenge(LO2), I guess it’s pretty obvious. I have never signed up for a sport to actively participate in until grade 10, and I ended spraining both wrists at one point. I’m not a particularly sporty or fit person, and I still struggle with stairs going up to mentor time. So the consistency of the activeness and the lack of breaks during body pump was tough for my unfit body. For the future, I will probably try to practice being fit and work out a little in-between body pump lessons.