CAS – CREATIVITY – Activities Executive Committee – Third Reflection

Every year members of this activity create a sports awards video celebrating some athletes at our school who have shown the most improvements and the most successes in their respective sports. Being a member of this activity, along with 3 other members, we created this video shown to the rest of our high school community. Making this video, we had much liberty and freedom which was a nice opportunity for us to plan and initiate something which would then be shown to a wider audience than just the athletes this video was targeted to. We needed to ensure that we were comfortable talking about each individual athlete with a bit of knowledge on their successes and improvements. This was challenging especially in the amount of time we had to complete this but this is where I saw the importance of collaborating with other people not only in my activity but outside of it as well. I also saw the importance of planning as we could have never done this video without being super prepared on the key ideas and key aspects we wanted to highlight regarding each athlete. This video did definitely take a few takes with a few mistakes of mis communication and a lack of flow whilst talking, however, communicating between each other between takes was critical in order to remove these. Supporting one another not only between takes but during the actual filming of the video and this importance and the impact it had on the final production was something I had also noticed and needed to take into account.

Here is the link to our video:


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