Little fires Everywhere, Chapter 7 Analysis

How does she (Mia) contrast with Elena? 

Within Chapter 7 we get to see Mia interacting with Izzy more and from this, we can get an understanding of who Mia is and what type of relationship she will have with Izzy and the other characters.

Mia seems to have more of an understanding of all types of people in this chapter. And was clearly shown with her interaction with Izzy and how she listened, not yelled. Gestures not forces when talking to her. This shows that Mia is not the type of mother that needs her child to be perfect, and copy of her and always able to do the right thing. Even though Izzy is not her child if Mia was anything like Elena she still would have commented of Izzy’s actions. For example when the brighter expresses that Izzy bit into an apple, unwashed this is a small action that Izzy probably does all the time, but would be a bigger deal to Elena. The apple is dirty, rigid symbolising Izzy, but when you wash is it becomes clean, bright and ready to share which is what Elana wants Izzy to be. Mia is this new role model for Izzy that really makes her thin, why she is like this and what she is going to do about it. It’s not as simple as its because of your mother to Mia. She wants Izzy to find herself, unlike Elena which wants Izzy to become something she is not.

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