Ever since I was young I have had a certain question in the back of my head: Who owned English? At first I thought perhaps it was England. Wait! or was it Great Britain? Surely it originated from there but did they own it? Somehow this question was left unanswered until we watched this video by Think Fact in class one day.
After watching it I finally both understood the question as what it was and developed my own perspective on the matter. I own English. You own English. Everyone who speaks it, owns it: Their very own version of it. There around more than 1.5 billion English speaker in the world today and we all have a role in contributing to how it evolves. Originally created from the unique mixing of French Latin and Germanic, English is very different today then it was back in the 1600’s. English travelled the world borrowing words from all around the place to finally becoming what it is today. And each one of us who speak it can say we have had a part or will have a part in evolving it further along the line.