here’s what you should read before you work with me

What I value when working with others:

When I work with others I value people being Creative and being able to bring new ideas to the table. I also like others being collaborative so that it’s easy to work together and use each of the talents and skills that we have.


What I lose patience with when working with a partner:

I find sometimes I feel that when a person may not be doing as much work as myself/others in the group, it becomes very difficult as we having to keep bringing that person up to task. The person may become a liability, and we have to keep helping them, rather than continuing upon the task.


If my last collaborative learning experience had a soundtrack it would be:

It would be the song ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen, because it went through a lot of fast as well as slow parts. There were some points when we struggled, and went through a dip (The pitch got lower), and other points where we managed to work really well (the pitch gets higher). Overall we managed to complete the project, so the song ends up completed too.


The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is:

Stay on task and stay focused so that we can get it done quicker and easier.


When it comes to tech, I’m good at X, and I need to get better at x:

I’m good at drawing and making things on an app called GIMP, I’m also quite good at editing and creating projects on iMovie. I need to get better at programming.


What people sometimes misunderstand about me when we are teamed up together:

I find working quick so that we can finish early is a good idea, so that we can then relax and improve upon that idea after the groundwork has been built. It’s like building a structure, you need to start with building the base and foundation, then once that has been built, you can create the exterior.


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4 thoughts on “here’s what you should read before you work with me”

  1. The most important line in your post for me was “I find working quick so that we can finish early is a good idea” because, this shows me what I can do to be a good partner to you and how we can work together well.

    Two things I will try to remember if we are teamed together: Stay on task and stay focused so that we can get it done quicker and easier.

  2. The most important line in your post for me was “I feel that when a person may not be doing as much work as myself/others in the group, it becomes very difficult as we having to keep bringing that person up to task.” I can really relate to this because I often do feel some people in my group aren’t pulling equal weight as others.

    When working together I will try to always bring my ideas to the table and make sure that we split the work load equally 🙂

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