Activity – HS Football Team (Initial Post)

This year, I was compelled to try out for the football team because I have done so each year since I have joined the school, not to mention that Football is a sport that I truly enjoy playing. Football was introduced to me at a very young age by my brother and I immediately took a liking to it, enabling me to gradually develop my aptitude over the course of many years playing the sport. Unfortunately, this year I was injured during a few of the tryouts, not allowing me to reach my desired team. However, this incident has incentivised me to set a few goals for the next season of Football, which include exercising more in my personal time in order to strengthen my stamina, remaining increasingly careful during the Football season as well as pushing myself to my limits during the next set of tryouts. Speaking in terms of this year’s season, I feel that I significantly improved my collaboration skills, which came as a result of working with people was I relatively unfamiliar with. This exemplifies one of the aspects of Football (and other team sports) I really appreciate; encouraging unacquainted individuals from different backgrounds to work together in order to reach a common goal as well as frankly, to simply have fun.  The majority of our sessions so far have consisted of training and executing drills, as the bulk of our competitive matches will take place towards the end of this season. Lastly, I understand that each individual player in the team has an equal responsibility to contribute, which in turn also implies that I myself must put maximum effort into this activity in order to make sure that my peers also have an enriching experience, something I most definitely intend to do. Going forward, I want to retain awareness of the goals I have set for myself and make sure that I do not falter in my commitment to the activity. I am looking forward to the varying obstacles and challenges this new season will bring and I hope my team and I have the necessary skills to overcome them.

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