Service – Middle of MOVEMBER 2020- Cancer Awareness

A screenshot of our message on CIMS, which encouraged viewers to participate and donate

We are in the midst of our annual event, Movember. There is constant contribution from various teams in our GC, communications working on the posters, finance calculating how much we make each week. As we approach our 2nd week of Movember, we are adding other mechanisms to help amplify our event. For example, an online donation system that will be disseminated through CIMS (online school community platform).



Adding on to our means of communication for this event, we are also active on the E-brief, as we are posting weekly messages containing the necessary information about donating, voting, and the aim of our GC/background on CPAA.

example of a message posted on the E-brief on behalf of Cancer Awareness GC

In terms of advertising, we have taken a slightly different approach this year. We wanted to include the community a bit more, so we took our idea on community stories (mentioned in the last reflection) and brought it to life by creating a google form where people can submit their own personal connection/stories surrounding cancer, so that we could bring the community closer together and enhance the awareness surround our cause.

We also have posters around school with QR codes that make it easier for people to sign up and vote/donate. We have decided to take advantage of the increased dependence on technology by having an online donation system set up.  Collaboration played a significant role in this aspect, since we had the help of the service office to set up the online donation system, as well as the collaboration with various Head of Grade’s to post information about MOVEMBER on grade level OLP pages (LO5).







These are the posters we have stuck up around school to increase awareness about our event and provide a background about our GC and the CPAA





We are also working on customising masks that have moustaches/cancer-awareness-themed objects on them. We are communicating with the school’s food catering company, Sodexo, to help create food items (eg:cookies)with a similar theme. We have also decided to post a leaderboard in the plaza, where everyone can see, of the leading participants to not just increase the presence of our event, but also spark competition amongst the community so people are incentivised to donate more to support their peers. This influx of new ideas and systems will hopefully have an impact on our fundraising amounts in the following week. All these new ideas that are being incorporated into our event are enhancing our progress towards our end goal in terms of money raised and awareness brought up within the school community. While I am are continuing to engage with the global issue of inequality and health (specifically for cancer patients in Mumbai) (LO6) I, along with my team, am launching new ideas that are developed and adjusted from previous ones to maximise our results, which is an example of how this event is helping me to initiate and plan this experience better after every week (LO3)

our current finance spreadsheet




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