Gymnastics CAS Reflection 3 (#LO4)

This week marks the beginning of season 1 activities, meaning my hours doing gymnastics each week increased to 12, 3 hours each on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. We also spend the first forty five minutes in the outside workout space doing running and bootcamp-activities. Although I’m not a huge fan of this change (days don’t fit well in my timetable and doing gymnastics outside makes me uncomfortably hot), I demonstrated resilience and flexibility through pushing on and giving it my best effort. The first half of training was quite productive, however whilst working on beam I found myself entering a slump of demotivation and frustration. I must admit that I couldn’t bring myself to achieve anything for a good period of time, however seeing another teammate get her double back dismount off bars brought me to at least attempt my back handspring on the beam. Regardless of my injury, I pushed through and managed to do one with spot, and I hope I keep this ultimate perseverance going forward in the season. Below are some videos of me doing practice on the beam and drills on the floor, using skills that don’t overwork my hip:

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