
Aquaspin is an activity performed in the water that combines various popular exercises such as spin biking and circuit training. The idea is by performing it in water, it adds intensity while easying the effects of the otherwise vigorous  training. There are 3 variations that targets different areas of fitness: power, signiture and endure.

Power is a session focusing on circuit training to improve your overall strength. It includes using special equipment such as weights catered for use under the water. When used outside of water, it is not heavy nor effective, however, once emerged in the water, it becomes heavy and difficult to move.

Signiture is a session focusing on training all parts of your body. The session consists of biking in water for around 30 minutes at various different intensities and positions. In particular it usually follows a system of 20-40 second (out of a minute) burst periods in which you sprint so you are continously elevating and retaining the increased heart rate. Then for the remainder of the session, we do workouts for other parts of the body such as the abs and arms.

Endure is a session focusing on increasing stamina. This session consists of biking for 45 minutes continously to build up the stamina. It is similar to signiture as it follows the system of 20-40 second (out of the minute) burt periods in which you sprint and for the rest of the minute you go at a slower pace.

Doing the different variations of exercises, I learnt many things about how to target and train different group of muscles, especially in Signiture and Power. I think I was weakest at Endure because I do not necessarily have a lot of stamina but also because I found it had less variation (although we changed the position/form we were cycling in) compared to the other type of sessions. But because I do not have a lot of stamina, this was a good way to build it up and therefore it was quite rewarding to see my endurance increased by the end of the experience. I particularly enjoyed Signiture as it included many variations and targeted different muscles. I think my biggest challenge in that class was my arm strength as I don’t particularly train or use the muscles in my arms on a day to day basis, therefore, I would often come out of the sessions with some pain (LO2) However, this was good as I realised I shouldn’t neglect parts of my body thus, I started going to the gym to further improve my form. My biggest strength was I kept going even when I was getting tired from the workout as I think that was what was essential in me getting the best results, in which was the satisfaction of a good workout (LO1).

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