We performed Antigone on two days and have taken away so much from both performances. Working with such a phenomenal cast and director on Antigone has taught me so much about collaboration and commitment. One of the most unforgettable feelings will definitely be the collective energy that we bring as an ensemble. Each one of us has a passion for theatre and creativity and each one of us has something unique to bring to the table. The willingness to participate is what stood out to me- how much each one of us wanted to be there- and taught me an important lesson about commitment.

The time and effort we put into Antigone came from how supportive we are of each other, I felt like I was being heard and trusted. Trust, of course, puts a certain kind of pressure- which was overwhelming at times- but it gave me the opportunity to connect with people and share ideas freely. I think one of the most remarkable things about Antigone is how we worked under time constraints. Relative to other productions in the past, this is the least amount of time I have rehearsed for a performance. Despite that, the depth with which we know our characters and our play is unmatched.

We have had meaningful conversations about the themes and characters of Antigone which has allowed me to extend my thinking beyond a production and into actually learning about Greek theatre and literature. Communicating this learning through art and theatre is to an enthusiastic audience was a meaningful experience. I hope to be able to apply my experience to similar situations in the future where patience, resilience, commitment and confidence are paid off. A successful performance is one that resonates with the audience; after the performance, several members of the audience showed us appreciation and admiration.

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Antigone Final Reflection

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