Ballet is a technical art form that is demanding in many ways – mentally, physically, emotionally, and in terms of time commitment. However, I have always seen these challenges as opportunities to push myself and immerse myself more into the art form, and I would like to take this reflection as an opportunity to reflect on some of these challenges and how I have learnt to overcome them.

A notable challenge would be the difficulty with keeping up with the discipline and dedication needed to stay consistent, and also see improvement in Ballet. For example, through stretching daily in order to maintain flexibility, or constantly practicing dance routines in order to ingrain them into muscle memory. This dedication is not only physical, but also mental, as it is equally important to continue believing that you are able to improve and progress in order to stay motivated and driven.

Often times, this has been challenging as it can cause some senses of exhaustion and even burnout, especially when I’ve not been seeing improvement as quickly as I had hoped. However, I have learned to overcome this challenge by reminding myself what motivates and drives me to pursue ballet, and constantly reminding myself to not compare my own progress to others, as I find that this really helps me to stay balanced and focus on where I am and how I can improve.