Lauren's Portfolio

carpe diem

Individual Oral for Literature practice feedback thingi

keep referring to the writer!!!! focus on how the writer’s concepts/characters are used as dramatic constructs how would this be influenced by the time and context of the writer? good job on underlining the mean cohesive concepts to help with the flow (or as Ms Markham says, thread) running through my response Personal goals: refer…

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Law, Morality, Mortality, the Formal Mentality

In Literature class on Friday we held a very civil conversation about the bigger concepts and ideas we have in this world that can be linked back to the play we just studied: Jean Anouilh’s Antigone. I say “civil” not because we’re absolute savages (though I must admit we get in the good comeback or…

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HL Essay Feedback, feed the back, the spine, food the spine, the chord, cord, goodnight

Things to work on!!! incorporate course concepts into your line of enquiry! Representation, communication transformation, perspective, culture, identity and creativity make sure that your question is referenced in your essay, and that you mention the writer too! don’t retell the story – assume that the examiner knows what you’re talking about! be concise with what…

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Telephone Converstation – Wole Soyinka

Telephone Conversation The price seemed reasonable, location Indifferent. The landlady swore she lived Off premises. Nothing remained But self-confession. “Madam” , I warned, “I hate a wasted journey – I am African.” Silence. Silenced transmission of pressurized good-breeding. Voice, when it came, Lipstick coated, long gold-rolled Cigarette-holder pipped. Caught I was, foully. “HOW DARK?”…I had…

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