
People are happiest when they follow rules –> 2 Rules are meant to be broken. –> 4 Children should only be raised in families that mirror their ethnicity. –> 3 The best community is one in which racial and cultural differences are eliminated. –>4 A good mother will not make serious mistakes in raising her […]

SWOT analysis

Individually use a SWOT analysis to be able to think ahead to what might impact the success of your project. S- strengths Time management Being organised Motivated W- weakness Gets distracted easily Overthink O – opportunities Ability to do all my work on time I always like to complete my work early so I won’t […]

Design Thinking Process

This stage of the Design Thinking Process is where we need to communicate the parts, assembly and technical details using the correct type of drawing of the final proposal. The type of drawings selected here is crucial for the third party in all design and engineering fields to be able to interpret the details in […]

Soft skill -> Empathy

Having 3 clients for my design project, I had to show empathy when they expressed their concerns, needs and want.  This helped me a lot. After listening to all of their requirements,  I listed what they had in common so that they had at least 1 thing they wanted in the project. It helped me […]