
Some argue that advertising is a corrupting and manipulative influence in our lives. To what extent do you feel this is true or untrue?

I think I agree with this to some extent. I feel that whenever we look at an advertisement we should see who it is by – see if there are reliable sources. You could then search online to see if this is true by checking their official websites. If it is then you can go check out the information in further details.  Some advertisements may be fake news which could then affect many people, depending on who they are targetting. If they are targetting the younger generation, I feel like they will most likely be manipulated into thinking that this is true when now knowing that it could be fake and they just want to rob or harm you. They could be easily be persuaded because the advertisement looked “pretty”, attracting the wrong type of attention.I feel that it is important to check with another person before you call the number on the advertisements just incase. There is no harm in getting another confirmation on the news you are reading.

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