Little Fires Everywhere

What are your thoughts on some of the issues raised in the article and in the video? Are there any clear solutions? Where does responsibility lie? 

I felt upset after watching the video and reading the article. I felt that the first steps we can all do is start by treating each other as equal. Let’s use eggs as an example. If we take a white and brown eggshell and break it so the insides come out, it is white. What does that mean? It means that we are all the same. The skin colour should not define who we are, inside us should. If we all treat each other the same, it could make life easier for them. Responsibility does not lie on anyone. They are all equal to blame. Those who are getting mistreated, they could try to stand up for themselves. For example, the girl who was moved down from her Algebra class. She could have told the teacher that she was having difficulties and was wondering if she could have extra help. We cant start the racial integration if no one is taking action. Those who are considered white could start by making the coloured feel more welcomed, so that it becomes an inclusive society.


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