Fashion photos

It attempts to convey a world, an atmosphere, character, maybe even values . . . Choose ONE of Parks fashion photographs and explain how he achieves one (or some) of these things (in your portfolio).

colour + use of background and foreground

  • The lady in the foreground is wearing a red coloured dress. This naturally draws our attention to her as the colour red stands out. The background is rather blurry and the colours used are rather dull and boring. Blurring out the background allows the subject to remain in sharp focus so the audience will know who the author wants us to focus on. The colour red symbolizes passion, desire, and love. The use of having no one else on the streets or driving allows us to completely focus on them rather then trying to figure out who and what are the other people doing.
  • On the sign board, it says “One- way” and it points to the left side of the image. If you compare the colour on the left and right, you can see how one is dark, mysterious and scary while the other is bright, warm and safe. In the image, it seems that the a,n is leading her to the dark side which could also indicate him in seducing her.

body language

  • The man seems to be smelling her or trying to tell her something by whispering in her ear. he could be doing that as he doesn’t want to draw any unwanted attention to himself and this tells us that he is very dominant. The man seems to look like he is seducing her and he seems to have a firm hold on her back as if he is guiding her to his lair.



Do you feel Parks’ race is a factor in his fashion photography?

Is Stockett’s race a factor in her writing?

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