Gordon Parks’ photographs

Which do you think is more powerful: Kathryn Stockett’s novel or Gordon Parks’ photographs?

I think Gordan Park’s (GP) photographs are a lot more powerful than Kathryn Stockett’s (KS) novel ” The Help”. Some background information on “The Help” is that the setting is in 1962, Mississipi, and was published in 2009. As she wasn’t physically there when this book was set, she had to look at the history of the place. In the book, I feel that KS kind of just glosses over what it actually looks like. There is a bit of a fairy tale image to it. GS pictures are taken in real life and there is no way in which he could “gloss over” the actual image. The novel also takes a really long time to get to the main plot so many people could find it boring, whereas the pictures are straight forwards and get straight to the point instead of wasting time. GP takes images of children which creates sympathy. As they are very young and been through so much it holds a lot of power.







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