
Having only 8 weeks (1 rehearsal per week) before the actual show, we had many after-school rehearsals. They began as early as 9 am and ended as late as 1 pm. Dancing for 4 hours is not only fun but extremely tiring as you start to lose your energy. That also means that 4 hours of my weekend is occupied and with other outside school activities such as Sailing, I had to balance my time wisely so I was able to do my school work and have fun at the same time. In school, we have free periods and I would try to get as much work done within the timeframe so I had more freedom after school and over the weekend. Im so thankful that my leaders are not only amazing but also understanding as it made my time more manageable. It has been a lot of fun over these past few weeks and Im going to miss it once its over.

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