Final showcase

The showcase has been officially been over for about a month now. Im sad that it is over. It was really fun to learn the different dance styles such as Jazz and hiphop. It was also really nice to be able to meet different people from different grades. I have formed new friendships and said […]


Although training has been tough, it’s also enjoyable. In my previous school, I would only stick to the one position I was assigned (shooter, GA/ GS) and it can get very repetitive and boring. However, in this school, I’m able to be more flexible and Coach Asher allows us to choose another position if our […]

Chinese chat

A month has passed since I have joined the Chinese chat. I am currently partnered up with a G7 student, Kate. She’s in a position where no one in her family speaks Chinese so she can only practice it in school. Being in a similar place, I know how it feels to be struggling, especially […]