Chinese chat

A month has passed since I have joined the Chinese chat. I am currently partnered up with a G7 student, Kate. She’s in a position where no one in her family speaks Chinese so she can only practice it in school. Being in a similar place, I know how it feels to be struggling, especially with no one to practice with.  Every lesson, Id discuss with her what topics she would like to work on that day. Once we have decided, Id go through it with her and work on her reading, writing and speaking. Only when she had perfected it we would move on. When it comes to the next lesson we would revise on what we did in the previous lesson so she doesn’t forget her vocab. I feel that my teaching method is useful for she can remember around 80% of the terminology she learnt with me. This has not only benefited her but also myself as I get to recap on the old words I may have forgotten.

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