Parks and Ali

How is Parks shaping our understanding of his subject?”

What aspects of Ali’s character are emphasized by Parks’ photography? How does Parks follow —and subvert

(authority)— conventional sports portraiture, and popular expectations of black men or fighters? 

Boxing is a very intense sport and can cause injuries. The physical impact of boxing on Ali is shown in this picture. His knuckles had become bruised and painful. Not a lot of people have seen the injuries he has as he hides it from opponents and the public so they don’t see his weakness. The close-up of Ali’s raw and calloused knuckles, clenched into fists, emphasizes the physical brutality of the sport, even for an athlete as seemingly invincible as the young Ali. How does Park shape our understanding of Ali, well even being strong, healthy, and happy on the outside, he is suffering. This tells us that he is going through so much more than we know. That he has feelings to and that he is just like us. The only difference is that he doesn’t show it. He doesn’t want people to know that he is suffering. In fact he holds his head up high and stands firm on the ground and tells us what he believes. This shows us that he is a true leader. That he wont back down for his own needs and will stand up for what is right

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