PSE final G11

PSE Overall

Unit 1: I.Be. Covered Emotional Intelligence, Self talk and how we can change the narrative, mental health and wellbeing,

Unit 2: Back to the Future. Focused on future planning, Holland Code careers inventory, resume writing; professional relationships

Unit 2a: Study skills – micro unit focusing on evidence based study skills

Unit 3: Tolerance, Inclusion and Respect. Issues of gender identity and gender privilege, consent, healthy relationships, sexual assault and the bystander effect, dating safely.

Unit 3b: Diversity and inclusion: final unit exploring issues pertaining to diversity, including bias, microaggressions etc.

Name three key skills or understandings you gained this year from the PSE course this year ?

  • Communication is very important – to express how you feel as you don’t want to keep it bottled up
  • Respect – you never know what someone is going through and never make assumptions about them as you do not know the reason behind their behaviour/ dress code etc.
  • Organisation – to be tidy so its easy to find your things and everything is in order

What key skills or understandings do you most want to take forward into grade 12?

  • Organisation – need to keep my work inorder so when I start revising it will be easier to manage
  • Motivation – can be really hard but we are nearly there so why not wait a little longer

Beyond academics- what are some of your goals for grade 12?

  • Spend time with friends and family members before I leave.
  • Be more patient with people as they may not understand from my perspective – when explaining something in class
  • Be happy

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