Chinese chat

My overall experience of Chinese chat has not only been enjoyable for me and my student but also handy. Being a tutor in Chinese made me appreciate my teachers and also made me understand how challenging it is to be one. To have the ability to adapt to their learning needs and to be flexible in changing methods in case it is not effective for their understanding. It also made me more aware of how I learn the subject Chinese. Majority of the extra time would be spent on my higher level subjects and not on my standard level subjects such as Chinese. Therefore these sessions acted as a revision lesson as I am teaching Kate. I would try to make it as interesting as possible by looking at the way the characters are written and linking it to the meaning of the word. At the end of each session, I would ask if my teaching style has been effective for her as I either make her practice her spelling, reading and writing, depending on her homework and upcoming test. On a whole, I enjoyed this programme and it has made me grow as a person and develop new skills I never knew I had.



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