IO question

Question: How does this extract connect to the ending of the text and what does the ending tell us about the global issue? Does the text come to any definite conclusion regarding the global issue?

For Medusa, the ending shows how she is about to get her revenge on Posideon. This shows how she is going against the typical society and is willing to stand up for herself. Although it made her the monster she is known today, the idea of getting rid of this hatred, the weight makes us sympathise with her. In a way, she is also a symbol of hope, for women to stand up for themselves. This relates to the issue discussed which was to be humiliated for a man’s action. Her actions made encouraged women who could have been taken advantage of to not let humiliation of the thought of being disgraced stop them from doing so. I think this is very powerful for there could be other victims who grew up without a voice and now they do.

Whereas for Ondria Tanner and her Grandmother window shopping, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, there was a movement to remove the racial segregation and was successful in the early 1970s. Therefore in a way there was a happy ending as they were no longer treated differently. Although in the beginning it took some time to adjust to the changes, throughout history and up to today, there has been a big difference towards how people of colour are being treated. Hence connecting to the global issue that race had brought around humiliation and power but yet overtime, people can change and is shown in today’s society.

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