Chinese chat

A month has passed since I have joined the Chinese chat. I am currently partnered up with a G7 student, Kate. She’s in a position where no one in her family speaks Chinese so she can only practice it in school. Being in a similar place, I know how it feels to be struggling, especially […]

AMK minds

It’s been half a year since I joined AMK minds. Although it’s not exactly how it was supposed to be due to Covid-19, I really enjoy planning videos for them. It’s quite hard because we can’t physically be with them so the best we can do is try to be very enthusiastic and keep the […]


Sailing is an activity that I participate in with my family over the weekends. We have races on either Saturday and Sunday. Sailing is a very competitive sport. There’s never a dull moment. You always try to make the boat go faster. Every second count. Over the weekend, there were 2 boats in my class […]