Incredible Edibles is an activity where we grow food products in UWC. We know that it’s important to have Incredible Edibles because it enhances our learning and also provides us with the knowledge that we can use in the future. From learning new things to having fun with friends Incredible Edibles allows us to do many things. When In Incredible Edible we realise that the environment and the area around us matter more than the mobile phone in our bag and the desktop that we have at home, We realised that the area around us has to be cared for and also to be seen as for what it is.

Incredible Edibles has had many names throughout the years that it has been open, it has been called names such as ‘Edible School Yard’ and ‘Urban Farmers’. Many people have contributed and helped towards making our school a more green and healthy community and this is another major way that we contribute as well. We know that urban gardening in Singapore is very important. It is important because only 8% of the food that we eat is made in Singapore and the other 92% is imported from halfway around the world, we need to start taking action and growing our own food. We need to start realising that gardening and growing our own crops is extremely important and that action has to be taken for it.

UWC has two main gardens, one is a roof garden and the other is the original one which is downstairs near the canteen. Both gardens have a variety of different fruits and vegetables and both of them are tended very nicely.

It’s not only the students that make Incredible Edibles what it is but it is also the teachers and parents that volunteer to help. Every single person that helps is another pair of hands that we can use. Everybody can make a difference