During the second week of Incredible Edibles, the Wednesday team divided up into several different groups.

Group 1 were busy planting and weeding in the upper Garden. The quality of soil in some of the beds is pretty poor so we will try to address that next time. But we tried to break up the soil with the spades this week. We had a bit of a panic as we worried that we were weeding our own Ladyfinger seedlings, but we checked and it was ok!

Henry replanted the Tumeric in the upper garden, adding mulch (organic matter from our own UWCSEA compost bins) and a sign so we knew what was in that patch of garden.

Another group checked the irrigation system and did some watering and weeding in the lower garden. They also checked that the signage matched what was planted there.

Christian and Mia planted a Soursop tree to add to the other fruits in our lower garden – which is developing into a fruit tree zone with limes, pineapples, papaya and banans already flourishing there.

The final group focused on building and testing a hydroponic farming device gifted to our very own Mr Sparks. This week was fun and everyone at Incredible Edibles is looking forward to next week.