More good progress occurred this week. As mentioned in the last blog post we were asked to have a stall in the Grade 5 Expo and the progress has been great as we have finished all our research. However, the people in the group don’t feel confident enough to make the infographic so we are all hoping that someone (maybe an infographic professional) could step in and save the day.

A group has managed to book the food tech room for next weeks as the group will be making some delicious Pandan Pancakes and some vegetarian laksa. So stay alert for the next blog post for possibly some mouth drooling pictures (depends on if we succeed).

On the same week on Monday, the Monday group provided some small square paper pots which have been aligned in a tray and have seeds in them. We’ve learnt from our mistakes, don’t plant the seeds to deep or we will end up with nothing. As well as that, a group of daring participants went to produce some compost. And they were ambushed by heavy rain, but that didn’t stop them, they finished the job and came back with what could possibly be a gallon of water.
