This week we cleaned up the aeroponics, cutting back and removing dead leaves and updating the nutrient levels.
We were talking and learning more about root problems. With the aeroponic technology, we are lucky to see the roots as they grow, it gives us a great opportunity to learn about how to further care for sick plants.
Root rot occurs when the roots are too saturated in water and bacteria develops in the damp area, rot spreads, slowly killing the roots that water our plants. It was too late to save our purple basil plant but with a little TLC, we are now monitoring and cleaning up the roots of other plants. Check out our lemon balm that made a come back after its roots were struggling!
In the future we need to check on the roots of our plants every so often, just to cut back some of the harmful areas to ensure plentiful growth and survival!
Root Rot Symptoms:
Dying plants, Creeping black stems, Leaf Wilt, little plant growth, pale leaves
The rotting roots look very dark, fragile and mushy. The healthy roots are white or light green and stronger
How to fix it
- Pulling out the plant
- Using your hands, pulling out or cut out the dark mushy roots.
- Optional – Soap and rinsing the roots with gentle soap water
- If in a pot, change the soil completely or improve the drainage.