Roye’s Reflection
In Incredible Edibles, we have done a variety of activities such as cooking Laksa Pesto and Laksa. During this service, I believe that I developed the qualities of curiosity and leadership as since January I have increased my interests in gardening and horticulture and have been in a leading role in two activities namely the creation of the Zen Garden and the cooking module, where we tried to make Laksa. The most successful aspect of this service has been tasting the fruits of our success (no pun intended). The most difficult thing was cooking the Laksa as it required a lot of patience and a bit of cooking experience, something almost all our amateur chefs lacked. I think my greatest contribution to this service has been the planning the cooking module, which took a lot of time and had a few logistical problems, which might not have ended well but was a fun experience.
I think that over the course of this service I have learned that I am able to do many things that I thought that I couldn’t do well like gardening. I believe that in the service there could be a couple of irritating people but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the others are like them. I think that if I could the service again, I would definitely learn how to plan better as that was one of my shortfalls over the course of the past 6 months.
I think after finishing doing the service for around 6 months, I think now I will probably start doing things which are much more eco-friendly as seeing a healthy plant makes me feel much happier than seeing a dying one.
I think that I could definitely recommend this service to a lot of people who’s interests in nature and the environment can definitely be furthered and nurtured well.