The article which I will be discussing is about a ‘Humanitarian project that brought clean water to Manila’.

On the spectrum of empathy, I feel like I would fall in between sympathy and compassion. This is because I live in Singapore, where there really isn’t much of an issue of access to clean water. Despite this, I still have a basic understanding of the issue and I understand how prevalent this issue is because I have worked on projects in the past that aim to address it. As someone who loves to experiment and invent, the topic of the lack of access to proper sanitation and water is one that I have submitted projects/solutions on to multiple competitions (GSF being one example). Not to mention that I used to live in New Delhi where such an issue is quite prevalent. This issue impacts 780 million people worldwide and with such a developed society some areas of the world, its embarrassing that such a big contrast exists.

In terms of outrospection, building projects like the one the article describes or participating in innovations that help improve peoples lives is a good example of how others look to put themselves in the shoes of those who lack access to amenities that we take for granted. This is because working towards a cause that you have never been affected by is one of the purest examples of compassion, and even empathy is many cases. It’s getting more people to take this action that’s the challenging part, because every small step counts.

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